Resolved Certificate Authority SSL Certificate (free hosting).


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«Cannot Execute Your Request
You are not allowed to modify your ssl settings».

Is actually a good idea so many users creating so many threads for the same issue? o_O



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Yes I would suggest it possibly is because it highlights two issues

One is people dont understand this in full and the other issue being there is obviously and quite evidently an issue with CPanel

What could be done as suggestion is a step by step tutorial or even desktop recording showing other people and new persons a joining X10 how to go about setting this up such as perhaps they have often on UTube

What would also be good is to accompany this with explanations on what roots certificates are with what they do and how they vary from country to country together with the issues you are likley to possibly encounter

I think sometimes to often others dont quite see or realise this even though persons may have many other skills eg , website authoring , programming , hardware which is not quite the same as running a web server where you have to have a little more know how than just html , MySQL , JavaScript , php and other skills inclusive database skills , although agreed programming does in come into this along the lines of network programming and scripts to run tasks

This is where others making mention will bring this to light hopefully with existing members thinking , " Aaah I know we we do here we provide a tutorial on this with perhaps , lets put heads together and create such a tutorial for the benefit of X10 users"

Wouldn't that be the far better part of a solution to this

If no one says anything no one knows any better do they and there is no shame or embarrassment in saying I dont know could someone help

There is nothing frustrating than joining a company or site of any type with given services and finding out that what is supposed to be in existence and quite often others who run the server cant identify the issue without such feed back

Server client information exchange is a two way communication path No communication or no requests in one or the other means no services

Additionally dont you feel that would enhance and attract new clientele , new members to your site ?

I think it would dont you , so it is really a problem I dont think so do you


Community Advocate
Community Support
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There is nothing frustrating than joining a company or site of any type with given services and finding out that what is supposed to be in existence and quite often others who run the server cant identify the issue without such feed back

Server client information exchange is a two way communication path No communication or no requests in one or the other means no services

Additionally dont you feel that would enhance and attract new clientele , new members to your site ?
In my opinion, this is x10 free hosting, not x10 paid hosting.
Many free hosting websites do not provide certain services for free.
including ssl and many other features x10hosting has for free.
these are free support forums provided by volunteer members.
paid hosting has their own methods for support like support tickets
paid hosting also has Cpanel, not the DirectAdmin that we use.
support members visit these forums in their spare time.
but are not dedicated just to these forums like paid hosting.


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In my opinion, this is x10 free hosting, not x10 paid hosting.
Many free hosting websites do not provide certain services for free.
including ssl and many other features x10hosting has for free.
these are free support forums provided by volunteer members.
paid hosting has their own methods for support like support tickets
paid hosting also has Cpanel, not the DirectAdmin that we use.
support members visit these forums in their spare time.
but are not dedicated just to these forums like paid hosting.

I do use direct admin

For people like myself this is why I chose X10 hosting because its is the only way you can learn

Its also would provide a very strong starting point for many a student studying IT

I sure you will agree there is no other way to learn apart from do this yourself on a practical basis how ever this doesn't quite take care of server side issues unless you are accessing the server and seeing what is happening its a bit of loss client side looking inwards so to speak

Its also an excellent start point for many of us now to begin an online business of types , even if small with virtually zero capital which when you see what has happened to industry and just how many are now out of work then this provides some one like myself the ability to gather some of of what we do have left in terms of good tradesmen , engineers and utilise this opportunity to create a dedicated site that others can interact with on reasonable adult and amicable terms

It provides further a point for intuitive tuition for those who desperately need training and dont have access to this which is why I am so keen to get SSL up and running

I looked at cloud fair and signed up myself a few days ago but I haven't a clue as to what or how to go about even entering informations that you need to do and that's being frank and to the point which is why I am asking for assistance on this I realise probably quite embarrassing for yourself If so my humble apologies I can only ever learn so much and every one need help

Programming wise and job wise my skills were up until 30yrs of age were as a service engineer in electronics and electrical in which I spent most of my time in the service sector eg Mobile , RF and TV , Video, Radio , two way radio etc before this all changed Now of course GSM and not tacs etacs

Programming apart from basic programming which you had very little control over was consequently at assembler embedded level

My interest in IT began at 31 years of age where I attended uni for a 1.5 yrs owing to financial and other issues I am purely self taught for the most part and although I can run and set up my own web server Ive not covered DNS servers although I understand the basic principles of this with DHCP

CoudFair instructions are not aimed at someone like myself and that would in all honesty would apply to many and I just totally lost with this understanding perhaps bind for named servers and what that does certificates for languages such as Java

Hence my request and proposition for a desktop recorded media presentation of just how you go about doing this step by step

This would be so appreciated I cant tell you how much that would mean to some one like me and would enable me to help others

I trust this makes sense

Thanking you for reply



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@spacresx Yes, I already read that.
A few users are getting permission errors when trying to select the SSL screen. This also will put the user back on the main page. Please open a new thread if you have this issue so your permissions can be added.
That's why I created this new thread.

And if I use the link «», I get this other error:

«Feature Disabled
This feature has been disabled. Please, contact your administrator.»

So still no permissions. Well, I'll wait.


Community Support
Community Support
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@karrx10h Please try again now

@eliteel5 I'm wearing a lot of hats right now, since I just picked up a developer position at x10, along with forum moderation, free hosting support, and discord chat support. Updating the KB has been a priority for me, but right now my main goal is to get new signups working again ASAP. It's easier for me to just put out the fires right now and I'll get the KB done once things die down a little. But, every time you open a thread and I or another member answers, future users can search the forum and find the answer as well. It's not as good as a KB, but your questions help everyone. So please, anytime you have a question about anything, please let us know because that expands everyone's knowledge, even people that don't use x10.


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Thanking you

I will do my level best to work along side you as best I can knowing what your job entails

I wouldn't be overly concerned Ive just been reading your affiliate program but haven't had chance to read this all in depth how ever I am interested in this and your site

I think you will be winning over some Facebook / Linked-in clients myself some of which I intend to bring to this site once I have mastered this section

The reasons being they are fed up with them removing posts when only ever linked to helping others to learn which I post quite frequently

Unfortunately they seem to have a section known as community standards which thrive on annoying people for no reason at all paying no attention to real matters of real importance

They equally dont seem have to much interest or want to make any real improvements whilst on submitting any question of reasonable response have essentially isolated themselves so that you cannot even reply to any issues where they have slightly overstepped the mark for even plain communications

How ever there are some very good people on that site whom do want to learn and whom do take an interest and have the decency to reply I intend to encourage those that are worth invitations to your site to do so

Judging from the current status of Facebook / Linked in , not unknown with publicity from the press and appearances in court I dont think it be to long before you win some of their clientele over

Some of whom Ive had good contact with for well over five years and more and whom have been personal clients of mine in other industry whom are real professionals in IT and other leading areas of trade and industry

Hence why I chose X10 among many other reasons

In the meantime if there is anything I can assist you with or can possibly do please also let me know I will try and help with what I can within my means and knowledge so if you do need tutorials of any type by all means please dont hesitate to ask or contact me

Thanking you once again for taking time out to reply Your a credit to X10 I wish every success They should employ you and pay you accordingly for skills that are quite easily identifiable as being professional

Have a good weekend
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@garrettroyce Yes, it's working now. Thanks a lot.

Even now it appears the «SSL Certificates» icon in the «Account Manager» frame. It's more comfortable than being using the search feature or the URLs. :D