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  1. ampersx1


    Yes, I do appreciate all the work. Thank you to all the volunteers who work round the clock supporting our free websites.
  2. ampersx1

    Another SSL cert request

    FYI. I tried to roll a new SSL about 25 mins after I got the first error message saying "too many new orders" and now it all worked! Not sure if some timezone/date changed rolled over on the servers (I'm in Oz) which meant it was really easy for me. Thanks again for fixing all this for us.
  3. ampersx1

    Another SSL cert request

    Garrett Royce: Thank you very much. I can now see the LetsEncrypt tab on x12. I now get a "too many new orders recently" message but I completely understand why that is happening, and I am happy to be patient. Thanks for checking the forums and alerting the admin team.
  4. ampersx1

    Another SSL cert request

    Yeah so I thought when we had cPanel we could edit the DNS settings. I get confused as I have a few paid and unpaid sites with various hosters. I do remember editing DNS stuff somewhere in cPanel, but maybe it wasn't with x10hosting. Another issue I am running into with the LetsEncrypt...
  5. ampersx1

    Another SSL cert request

    My SSL cert expired nearly two weeks ago. Since then I was able to use a free 90 day one via This is ok for my main site, but I am unable to make a wildcard SSL cert (and so I have an android app that is broken as it pulls from one of my subdomains). There are a few free wildcard...
  6. ampersx1

    Another SSL cert request

    My SSL cer expired sometime in the middle of last week and I haven't been able to generate a valid one using the DirectAdmin console. I was able to roll a free 90 day on via that was valid. However, they don't offer a free wildcard SSL cert so my subdomains still aren't working...
  7. ampersx1

    is x10hosting down for anyone?

    Sorry, all my stuff seems to be still up...
  8. ampersx1

    is x10hosting down for anyone?

    Well, I don't know what happened, but my sites all seem to be working now... Good luck all with your own sites...
  9. ampersx1

    is x10hosting down for anyone?

    My site (and subdomains) are also down. I too am getting the 503 error on these sites. This doesn't seem to be only WordPress related as I have a custom PHP site, doku wiki, PrestaShop site and two get-simple CMS sites. My Cpanel seems to be working fine. I have tried changing PHP versions to...
  10. ampersx1

    Account Upgrade Page Broken

    Its September 5th and I also can't re-upgrade my Prime account (my account got suspended for a second time due to the lack of logins). I want to give my money away to x10, its just that the link gives a blank page.
  11. ampersx1

    mySQL windows client authentication

    Ok oh, cool, I didn't know that was not allowed. Thanks for the heads up. I won't try again.
  12. ampersx1

    mySQL windows client authentication

    Hi there, I'm wondering if anyone out there uses a mySQL client to connect to their x10 database. About two weeks ago I was using HeidiSQL fine, but for the last two or so days it hasn't been authenticating. I have included my PC in the remote hosts option in cPanel. I am using the following...
  13. ampersx1

    Cannot update from WP 3.5.1 to 3.5.2

    Hi All, I was having the same issue, but I found if you add in the following line to your wp-config.php file it works: define('WP_TEMP_DIR',ABSPATH.'wp-content/uploads/'); I've placed this line just under where ABSPATH is defined in wp-config.php here (about the second line from the bottom of...
  14. ampersx1

    two sub domains not working

    descalzo, Yes, it is all working now :) Thankyou for solving my issue and getting back to me so quickly Andrew
  15. ampersx1

    two sub domains not working

    Hi descalzo, Thanks for that. I went into the Advance DNS Zone Editor and there was an issue displaying all the zones, so I reset all of my zones and that brought up the list of domains with ip addresses... so I assume there was an issue there.... I still can't ping my two sub-domains that...
  16. ampersx1

    two sub domains not working

    Hi there, I have set up the following sub domains weeks ago and they still don't work: I get the following message: Error 105 (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED): Unable to resolve the server's DNS address. My other two subdomains work...