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  1. irisx174

    were to start - uploaded my own cms and cant change php now site broke

    uploaded my own cms and cant change php needed for what i wrote on xamp the database con works the tables dont i changed the php from 5.5 36 to 7.0 but cpanel would not register the change on the main panel i tried changing it back now its all busted - and yes im a php noobe so be brutal XD...
  2. irisx174

    help-Error establishing a database connection i cant access site

    nope i didnt fix it i canot backup from SoftaculousScripts Installations (noob fail) nope i didn't completely fix i cant backup from Softaculous Scripts Installations wordpress scripts im getting a response of The following errors were found : Could not connect to database, please check the...
  3. irisx174

    help-Error establishing a database connection i cant access site

    thanks i fixed it i deleted my user data on my db table _._
  4. irisx174

    Php.ini upload_max_filesize 2M

    are u using wordpress?
  5. irisx174

    help-Error establishing a database connection i cant access site

    i may have deleted somthing in my database Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (28000/1045): Access denied for user 'gdgdx10m_RBD'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/gdgdx10m/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1490 Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql...
  6. irisx174

    revue my site please (critical construtive)

    revue my site please (critical construtive)
  7. irisx174

    site and c panel down when connecting from all devices

    site and c panel down when connecting from all devices
  8. irisx174

    XO3 server rejecting connections to website and cPanel login

    having the same problem mines down two
  9. irisx174

    account wont un suspend

    have been trying to access my site and it keeps telling me im suspended ??
  10. irisx174

    trying to install wordpress but get following connection error

    The MySQL Connection could not be established
  11. irisx174

    cant access cpanel Error 521 Web server is down

    cant access cpanel Error 521 Web server is down is this an x10 problem or my connection ?
  12. irisx174

    Main site appears to be offline?

    same problem hear :(
  13. irisx174

    500 internal server error

    hopefully the new servers will run smoothly soon never had a problem with the old ones
  14. irisx174

    500 internal server error

    im still getting 500 internal server error Request Timeout This request takes too long to process, it is timed out by the server. If it should not be timed out, please contact administrator of this web site to increase 'Connection Timeout'.
  15. irisx174

    Error 500: Internal Server Error

    my site is singing 500 aswell :C