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  1. C

    Stoli Apache down

    Okay cool thanks for the explanation!
  2. C

    Stoli Apache down

    Stoli's Apache is down again? Whats going on with x10 lately I've used you guys for a long time and I don't ever remember having this many down time issues :( Is there just a lot of abusive accounts now or is it something else? Any how leme know what's going on please! Thanks, Crazzyt9...
  3. C

    Stoli issues

    seems to have jumped right up thanks for the help!
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    Stoli issues

    I've been having some pretty good issues today with the FTP it seems to want to come and go as it pleases lol It's usually up after back 5 minutes until now it's been down for me for about 2 - 3 hours now any word on whats going on? Thanks, Crazzyt9 (Timmy)
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    PEAR/Pear-DB Install request

    I'm trying to run a script called mining buddy (it's for EVE-Online to help us in game.) the script can be found at I'm getting the following error though. Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'DB.php'...
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    Stoli server

    oh okay thanks for the info! :)
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    Stoli server

    Whats going on with the Stoli server? Apache keeps going on and off and the server load keeps going red. Is there something going on with it? I thought I read something about it and another server being merged, is this true if so how is it going? Crazzyt9 (Timmy)
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    website access

    yea, it was something that i did i got it figured out though thanks!
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    website access

    Figured It Out Thanks! Crazzyt9 (Timmy)
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    Guildportal Transfer

    I was wondering if anyone knows of a script that would help me transfer posts from guildportal to my current website. I'm using phpnuke platinum. Crazzyt9 (Timmy)
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    Old Member Back Again.

    Howdy y'all i've actually been around for a while but i've been inactive for a long time due to not needing hosting. Well Once again I need hosting and i've looked around and there's a lot of new faces. So I figured I'd introduce myself. Hi, I'm Tim I'm 20 (Just turned infact) I'm into...
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    Pear or Pear-DB

    I'm wondering if the pear has been fixed yet or not. I'm assuming not since I'm getting this error Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'DB.php' (include_path='.:/x10hosting/php2/pear/PEAR') in /home/crazzyt9/public_html/mbuddy/functions/system/init.php on...
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    FTP Ban? Or Do I have to wait?

    Okay so I was in the middle of uploading my forums to my new account and i got kicked off ftp and then it wouldn't let me log back in because it said there was to many connections from my IP address. How can I get around this? or am I going to have to wait a certain...
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    Free Server Up & Down

    Is it just me, or is the server acting a little screwy today or am I just crazy? I'm trying to upload content to my site I thought it would only take a couple hours, but it's taken all day because the server keeps going down or something ... Every time I check the status is changes ... any...
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    CPanel Images

    My CPanel Images Not Loading Is This Normal? lol
  16. C

    Server Down?

    Is the server down? I cant seem to reach any part of my website, including the CPanel :sad: Tim
  17. C

    [ad request/question]

    Is there any way we can get a vertical ad code? I would love to take it from my header and put it in a block on my php-nuke site. It would still show up on all my pages, and it would be more conveniate for me (If not I understand I can live with it where it is :happy: ) Tim :devil:
  18. C

    Awstats down?

    I'm trying to view my stats through Awstats and I get this message ... Error: LogFile parameter is not defined in config/domain file Setup ('/home/bwi/tmp/awstats/' file, web server or permissions) may be wrong. Check config file, permissions and AWStats...
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    cpanel 403 forbidden

    Forbidden You don't have permission to access /cpanel on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Thats what I get when I try and go to my cpanel, is this because of the apachee/php deal you where doing...
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    Howdy! My name is Tim, I'm 16 I'll be 17 on the 20th of this month (March). Some of my hobbies include trucking, camping, wood working, web desidn (NEWBIE). I'm from a small town called Yakima in Washington. But I currently live in Ilwaco Washington. Tim :cool: