Search results

  1. ScienceComp314

    Mail Problem

    My site's mail server is down! Is this normal because of the work you guys are doing on the server?
  2. ScienceComp314

    Error Pages

    I was wondering if we had to put our ads on the error pages. (Ex. 404,400,500)
  3. ScienceComp314

    Simple Machine Forum

    Does anybody know any good sites with Simple Machine Forum stuff (downloads,mods,themes,etc.) If anybody has a SMF I would like to see it as I am working on one(Click Here) Thank You
  4. ScienceComp314

    SMF Ads

    What is the quickest way to add ads to the header of a SMF page. Thank you!
  5. ScienceComp314

    A thread to say thanks...

    I would like to take a moment of my busy day to say thank you to the administrators and moderators of x10hosting. They have been extremely helpful to me :original: . I love this forum!!! Keep up the good work guys! Deepest Thanks, Eric Harmatz
  6. ScienceComp314

    DNS Problem?

    Yesterday at 6:00AM PST I received my account information. After that, I logged into C-panel via IP successfuly. When I logged out and came back, my site was (and still is) unaccesible. I guess it might be an DNS problem but then the IP still would work? Right now I am not getting anything...