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  1. quantum1

    Hi there! I am an astronomy buff. Is your username based on the star by that name? Just...

    Hi there! I am an astronomy buff. Is your username based on the star by that name? Just curious. :)
  2. quantum1

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banned for having an ambiguous avatar.
  3. quantum1

    How to....

    I made a post in the topic that may help you. It involves using index.php for everything and allows you to put all other data, files, etc. in other directories besides htdocs and its subdirectories so that even Apache...
  4. quantum1

    help with login system

    A coworker showed me the best security / login setup in the world...that I know of right now. ;) You only have index.php in your public_html / www / htdocs directory (whichever one matches your hosting setup). You use index.php for everything. This took me a while to grasp but it allows you...
  5. quantum1

    Php problem

    What was the problem? Your solution may help others. :)
  6. quantum1

    Date and Time Script

    Thanks for catching that. I will check out my php and post the source so you and others can comment on it. I am always learning from others. This forum is very useful for learning new ideas and techniques. :drool:
  7. quantum1

    Countdown on an image

    Thanks for that link. That is pretty cool. :)
  8. quantum1

    Internet Explorer 8 HTML Issue

    <tr> <td align="center"> <a href="News.html" target="Content"> <p align="center"> <img src="Links_Table_News.jpg" border="0" vspace="0" hspace="0"> </> </a> </td> </tr> The above code is what I found...
  9. quantum1

    Date and Time Script

    I messed around with PHP date stuff and made this little utility of dubious usefulness:
  10. quantum1

    Help With php include

    nexhunter, thanks for the '@' tip. I did not realize that it would suppress debug messages. I can use this a lot when testing stuff for certain functionality without worrying about other stuff.
  11. quantum1

    x10hosting MySQL remote odbc access

    Thank you! I have been off the forum for a week or so. I will check out your scripts and see what you have done. And, more importantly, I understand your warnings about security. Actually, the raw sql thing was for me only, or maybe hidden utilities designed by me. Thank you, again, for your...
  12. quantum1

    Css rotate?

    By rotate do you mean rotate the image in an angular fashion, like 90 degrees, or do you mean rotate through a series of images? Sorry about the silly question, I just want to clarify what you are trying to do.
  13. quantum1

    Javascript Resizing

    The link below, with an excerpt below that, seems like it might be addressing the problem you are having. It seems to me that inline elements do not have a height css attribute (unlike block elements, which do have a height css attribute). If you...
  14. quantum1

    vml vs javascript
  15. quantum1

    x10hosting MySQL remote odbc access

    Thank you! After you post the scripts I will use them at work to solve a remote database access problem we are having involving security, ports, stuff like that. Being able to simply access the database through the browser will be great. I can allow a raw sql query to be entered into a...
  16. quantum1

    PHP help

    Can you use the php header command to set the content-type so that the content type returned by '/home/rocambol/librairies/mrfishplot.php' is type image? Just trying to see if the simple require can work somehow. :)
  17. quantum1

    x10hosting MySQL remote odbc access

    xav0989, Thank you for your code. Someone at work has shown me something like this to get remote file contents. He showed me about SOAP stuff. If I understand your code above I can set up one php that I can get to from a browser which can then do sql stuff for me and return results. Is that...
  18. quantum1

    PHP help

    Would the code below work? I believe if you just include the "mrfishplot.php" right in the middle where your img is now, that it will work just as you have it, since "mrfishplot.php" is going to get the values your form is submitting. Also, I have modified your form to have...
  19. quantum1

    x10hosting MySQL remote odbc access

    Is it possible to remote access my x10hosting MySQL database via odbc? On my cpanel I have added my remote ip to the database Remote MySQL list, but I am not sure about the x10hosting ip address to use or if this is even possible. Thank you!
  20. quantum1

    Passing JS variables from one function to another

    another way to pass information back and forth is to store it in session variables....this might work if the function interactions aren't buzzing along at one million calls per second...which with ajax they might