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  1. W

    Resolved Web Site Affected By The Migration

    Hello, My web site appears to be affected by the migration--I'm getting connection time out error now but earlier a message from apache. Thank you for the help looking into the issue!
  2. W Looking for thoughts on the design/colors I added a border with CSS to my Churches website today. I think the boarder makes it look better, but the plain tan backgroud just does not look quite right. Any color suggestions? And what are your thoughts on the boarder does it make it...
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    SMTP Blocked??

    I noticed to day phpmailer which connects up to my gmail account is returning this error. "SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. Mailer Error: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host." Does this have to do with moving the servers around or has it been blocked in the firewall?
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    php mail() code help DeadBattery who has been helping me suggested that I post my code for sending emails up here in case there is something wrong with it. The code used to work fine, but mid Janurary it stopped working. Thanks for...
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    PHP mail() stopped working

    I posted this message a few weeks back, but the problem was never fixed. I was just wondering whats going on with this. Thanks
  6. W

    PHP mail() stopped working

    I have a contact form on my website that uses the PHP mail() function I noticed today that it is not working. I also have a cronjob set up to email me once a week and the last email I got from it was on 1/17/09 so that was about the time it stopped working. Thanks for your help.
  7. W

    Logical Error?

    I am working on some code to look at a text file of events and display all events which are current. However, I have a logical error, because a date that is a greater month then the current, less days than the current, and the same year does not display. I suspect the error is in the following...
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    How to use the Cron Manager?

    I wrote a PHP script that sends me an email. I want to use the cron manager to run this once a week. The trouble is I tried setting it to run on today date and time, but it did not work. When I run the script manually from my public_html directory with my webbrowser it works fine. I am trying to...
  9. W

    Using Crontab to edit HTML file?

    I am designing a website to put up on my x10hosted account. I was looking at having an events page, that would have a date then info about the event then a few lines down put in the second event and so on and so forth. I want the crontab to run a script once a week or something like that, that...