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  1. E

    3years ago, I used 2 hav an account . I wanted 2 reopen a new site but i'm having the following...

    3years ago, I used 2 hav an account . I wanted 2 reopen a new site but i'm having the following message I have 2 say I live in leb and we hav a lack of real IPs Due to continued abuse from your country of origin we have currently disabled signups. Please try back at a later date. Thanks 4 ur...
  2. E

    Java applets are allowed??

    Just I want to ask a question. I want to add java applet for irc. Is this going to break the TOS????
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    can't login cpanel while suspended

    Hey is it normal that I can't log on to my cpanel???:S It happens that there is some ilegal stuf I want to delete:s I tryied to unsuspend my site first and then remove the ilegal stuf but it got suspended again:D :S any help??
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    Save Lebanon (Lebanon Before And After)

    Take A Close Look Then Think Well Do You Know Why She is Sad ? Because As many other People We Use To Know And Love They Came To A Country That Looks Like this Aanjar...
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    Mail prob

    hi, I have a problem concerning hotmail. I'm not able to send to hotmail accounts, I wonder why. I get this in my mailbox This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error...
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    hey all

    I am Sergio, referred from FWS . missed you x10 team
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    My site is dead Because

    My site is a forum and I've been wonderring why all my friends aren't online anymore.. The prob was that they can't see the page anymore.they see meaningless page with random charchters.why is that??? I've saw the same page lately
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    time out prob

    I am facing a small prob. No one reported a server downtime, but I still have time out prob the server downtime for my site is up to 70% am I the only one who is facing such prob:( Here is result of your request: Data transfer error: Operation now in progress Probably the requested...
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    Time out prob

    Just want to know IS this prob only happening to me??? from time to time I see a time out prob I have a forum thats why I can notice time out times despite that the status of the server is perfect
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    .tk prob

    I have slight prob usin .tk domain, I can;t login 2 my site any suggestions?? masking my URL is not a big matter 2 me "sorry administrators got mistaken in z section can u move it plz"
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    Create a new section plz

    I'm a webmaster and each day my site is Bcomin bigger and bigger. Z thin is that i'm afraid of loosin my account on X10 4 no reason or a reason that I might not Bin informed about. so my suggestion is 2 add a new section called "webmaster up2date" where u post all z rules that we should follow...