Search results

  1. T

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    banned for insulting stitch
  2. T

    Vending Machine (Game)

    you get your identical copy i insert my glasses in
  3. T

    The Ctrl+V game

    '' lol i'm such a nerd
  4. T

    Vending Machine (Game)

    you get all your emails back i insert a vending machine
  5. T

    Ban the person above you

    banned for making this thread
  6. T

    Forum hosting

    i'm having trouble i downloaded the phpBB forum files, but have no idea how and where to upload it here anyone please help? i'm trying to follow the below steps, but how do i upload a whole folder and how does this FTP work? Installing phpBB is pretty straight forward, you'll only need access...
  7. T

    opinions on a tutorial website and an online retail store

    i need opinions on those things details will be in here the site is only temporary, i'm planning on writing a new website from scratch so any suggestion about the project and how to write the site is welcome i also need a direct client to work with, someone who...
  8. T

    Help with linking pages together and images

    i'm wondering how do i link pages together if the page isn't online yet? Like the page doesn't have a link yet. Second, is it possible to put images from my computer directly, not having to upload to a source such as photobucket and lastly, where can i host my website? Sorry i'm new here and to...