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  1. T

    Please deactivate and delete my account.

    cpanel: archangl server: stoli
  2. T

    server feedback

    I am a firm believer that bad services can never get better if you don't say or do something about it. So I'm going to do both. Over the last 18 months, my site (between cossaks and stoli) has been down 9% by ping and likely much more than that given all of the apache and mysql problems that...
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    Server seems stable, but MySQL not available cpanel: archangl I've check the running services on the server and MySQL doesn't even show up as a service and phpMyAdmin says there is no MySQL sockets configured on the local server. Is the database server going to be installed soon? My site has been unavailable for ~5...
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    My account is deleted?

    I'm unable to log into cpanel, my login no longer works in the x10 homepage, and my website shows the default cpanel page. Have I done something wrong or has my account been lost?
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    Suspension for high-usage?

    My account is being continually suspended without me doing anything. :( Fortunately, the warnings haven't incremented since I've been suspended 3 times.
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    gzip backup

    Since there doesn't seem to be a solution forthcoming I used cron jobs to get the backup in the format I want. If I leave the cron job there to run once a week (it only take about 3 seconds to run), will I get in trouble or is this considered ok by the server management staff?
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    gzip backup

    Every time I try to ftp my files I get auto banned by the firewalls for 30(?)minutes, no to mention trying to download individual files that aren't compressed easily takes 5 times longer. Is there any way I can compress my home directory and ftp that file?
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    gzip backup

    A number of weeks ago, the option to download a gzip backup of my home directory disappeared from CPanel. I very much liked this feature because it gave me the added security of having my own local backup. Is this option simply not available anymore or is there some way I can still access it?
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    Data lost?

    I was unaware of the server move until this morning when my site went offline. This is of course my mistake, however, I'm hoping it will be possible to get my data from the old server. I made a significant number of changes in the last 3 days and my last back up is from 2 days ago. I really only...
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    Suspended Account

    I'm told my account is suspended for high server resources. Please unsuspend my account. I will check all the logs immediately to determine what the problem was. If your logs show anything specific, please let me know what the cause was.
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    A thank you.

    This forum I'm sure is pretty thankless so I thought I'd come back and say thank you for finally fixing the stability problems on cossaks. My site has been up for about 12 days strait and not a single reader has reported delays or errors.
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    SQL is rediculously slow

    When loading pages on my site that aren't viewed often, it takes a minute or more to get any results. When looking at the bottom of the page for the load statistics I get results like this Is this gross delay due to the ongoing server maintenance or is there something wrong? I believe I'm...
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    php pages no longer being processed?

    Within the last 6 hours, php on my site ( ) stopped processing. html pages still load just fine (although I don't currently have any with embedded scripts up). Edit: Thank you for correcting the error as fast as you did.
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    php error

    I've been able to run php scripts in the past, but all of a sudden I'm unable to use phpinfo and I'm unable to roll back the changes I've already made as I assumed I'd be able to run these functions as I've been able to in the past. Warning: phpinfo() has been disabled for security reasons in...
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    The Chinese are coming!

    I probably should mention that... Considering the primary function of my site is a blog and I have no interests in the East nor do I know anyone there, the volume is disturbing. That and all of the queries that are being run look like SQL injection or SQL DoS attacks against my WPG2 site.
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    The Chinese are coming!

    Don't know if it matters, but my site logs are showing a lot of activity from our friends (or not) in the East. The IP address I'm seeing the most is:
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    Temp IP Ban

    2 max Edit: Just tried it with 1 which did the same thing.
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    Temp IP Ban

    Well... when I download a significant (although usually < 1.5M) through FTP I lose my connection and am unable to reconnect. I am also unable to access my website. However, if I proxy my connection through another IP I can connect fine. I am unable to use my own connection for 10-15 minutes...
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    Temp IP Ban

    Is there any way to prevent my FTP client from being temporarily banned by IP address when I sync my local site to ftp? It is getting very irritating.
  20. T

    website and cpanel now completely down server: cossaks My site times out and admin panel will not load after entering username/password