Comparative Religion.


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This is a neat site. I don't follow any religion, but rather believe in some key elements that almost all of them share. Regardless of who God is or what exactly happened in the past, the books generally try to teach good morals and I'm sure whatever higher being out there would like us to treat others with respect instead of waging war for it's sake.


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Today we all are fighting over religions. Why not see common terms in every religion and come together in a peaceful environment. Why only blame Muslims because of terrorism? Terrorism has no Religion and no Faith. I am posting here a link to a website. Select your religion from the right menu and compare your religion with Islam.

Comparative Religion


That's an interesting website. Thought provoking.

It's hardly surprising that several religions have some similar tenets, since the basics (murder=bad, theft=bad) are fundamental to any society, and many of the religious ones (in the context of a monotheistic religion) are pretty key to the survival of the religion. Any monotheistic religion which allows its followers to worship other gods is going to hemorrhage believers pretty quickly. Also remember that Christianity (and to an extent Islam) inherited a good chunk of its teachings from Judaism, and that Christianity and Islam both accept most of Jesus' teachings.

I'm not sure that I agree with you in saying Terrorism has no religion and no faith. The 9/11 and 7/7 suicide bombers all believed themselves to be acting in accordance with the teachings of Islam, and regardless of the similarities between Islam and other religions, the fact remains that there is sufficient material within it's texts for a preacher so inclined to do so to convince young men that this is right.

I don't mean to say that Christianity did not go through this phase. When Christianity was going through the same place that Islam is going though now, it resulted in its followers doing some pretty unpleasant things. However, there were two factors which went a long way to mitigating the damage that the Christian Fanatics could do. Firstly, the technology available. The most any one individual could do in terms of death toll was the number of people he/she could kill with a sword or bow before somebody killed them, and no cell could be spread over more than a county or two, since the communications weren't up to more. Nowadays, one person could plant a bomb the size of a football that can level a decent sized building, and could be receiving their orders from virtually anywhere in the world.

The second factor, of course is that in Europe, Christianity was competing with Paganism, a belief system far better entrenched in the local mindset than any other religion can or will be. Even today, how many people 'touch wood' or some other little ritual? These are all hangers-on from pagan beliefs. In the face of such opposition, Christianity resorted to subverting the local religious festivals and customs by attaching events of Christian significance to Pagan festivals. Christmas and Easter, for example, take their dates from the Midwinter and Spring Festivals respectively.

This adaptation meant that Christian doctrine has always been considered more flexible than perhaps it might have been, making it harder to construct a world view sufficiently divorced from reality to accept such behavior as terrorism. (not that Christianity didn't manage to divorce itself from reality at time, it just meant that such a divorce rarely lasted more that a few hundred years. Spectacular instances of stupidity on behalf of my religion include the Crusades, the Inquisitions, and the Bishop Usher Chronology)

Coupled with the fact that it took quite a long time for Christianity to become dominant in Europe (from where it spread due to the various empires that began there,) you have a decent idea of why most CofE priest would rather argue about homosexual bishops than think about spreading the Faith. When Islam reaches the same stage of ideological apathy, then you will have your religious harmony.

I've just realised quite how far I've wandered off topic, so I'll stop typing now.

Just FYI, the Bishop Ussher chronology is the deduction from the bible that the Earth is about 6000 years old, a belief that was excusable until about the 19th century, by which time it was pretty obvious to most people that the Earth was a hell of a lot older than that.
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I am pretty sure we all know that this will never happen. Everyone believes in different gods in any god(s). Why blame the Muslims? Well, I think it's because they sort of started it. Not that I blame them or anything.
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I do not care even if islamic throw the whole love on the earth.
They are nasty one , spiting on human rights and kiling people like cows in the name of god.
So they all are guilty before the world !


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Bilal855, the site you linked to claims that Jesus(pbuh) was simply a prophet born to a virgin. Christianity believes that Jesus' miraculous birth, life and escape from death, set him up as the high priest of God. Nothing enters the Holiest of Places unless the High Priest allows it, and prepares it. God doesn't leave the high place to prepare his own offering.

If you care to have a sensible debate over the tenants and sensibilities of Islam vs. Christianity, I would enjoy it.


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I'm an atheist myself (would be a methodist if I were Christian), but I thought I'd clarify a few things:

"Why blame the Muslims? Well, I think it's because they sort of started it."
Islam is a relatively new religion, newer than Christianity and far newer than Judaism. Only in the 20th century have some islamic regions of the world been known to turn to terrorism as we know it, probably motivated by what was basically a collapse in a once-great society. Remember here that islam was originally the leader in several branches of thought such as Algebra.

Sonicpld - Christians haven't been entirely blameless for similar actions. In fact, your quote could be a description of the crusades. Granted, that happened quite a while ago, but the offenses against human rights in islamic countries are not the norm practiced by the majority of the population.

BentFX - It looks like this site is analyzing the religious texts in a mythological way, IE the archetype of a prophet born to a virgin is apparently common to some religions.

I'm just sharing these opinions because I share the belief that most religions in the world have fundamentally good teachings, even if I do not believe there is in fact a god. It is dangerous when people look on another religion/race/nationality as "more evil". Human nature is the same in every country, and it is ignorant to believe that your own belief system has a monopoly on truth or morality.