Resolved CPanel Access Issue

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New Member
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sorry all this happened due to cpanel acting like photobucket
did, ok , can this be done for me as well ,lol
as i cannot log in effectively or make a new site


I am just me
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Technically it happens because users do not login every 30 days as required by our ToS, had the logins been made as agreed the accounts would not have been terminated in the first place.

Between November 28th and May 5th you did not login to the account once, this lead it to be marked as inactive and purged in early March. The automated suspension system is halted during our maintenance, the login requirement (once every 30 days) has always been there however, so in end of December the account would have been eligible for a suspension, and then 21 days later, second half of January it would have been terminated by the automated system.

Due to this being halted we did run a manual purge in early March (it was started the 4th) and since your account did not have any logins the the 60 days prior to the purge it was terminated as inactive.

Due to there being no warning emails as those are part of the automated, currently halted, system we said we'd this time allow for a restore if requested within reasonable time.

Initially we said cutoff for restores would be one week, meaning in reality we should not restore anyone past Sunday 15th, though we extended it a little bit extra, but it was said that the last cutoff date would be on Sunday March 22nd.

You're lucky though that the restore is still possible for your account.
I'm running the restore now and the account should be good to go in a few minutes.
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