Relax Language Requirements

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I have an query.
If I understand correctly actually what websites moderators accept are primarily English, French & Spanish websites (ie they must be the primary language. Then feel free to add other secondary lanugages, eg German, Chinese, Japanese...).

If so, why?
Care to consider relax this requirement?

  • To some people, they may feel like being discriminated, although personally I don't think so.
  • Also inlcusion of different websites with different languages seem to be healthy to the whole web hosting systems.
  • Even if you personally don't know that language (so it seems you can't monitor it), you may make use of translation tools to help, or induct staff members with different languages)
That's my opinion anyway :kdubb:.
Wish to hear yours. :coolugh:


What's the point of using a language that we can't moderate and is poorly translated through any translater? That's right, there is none. Staff members speak Spanish, German, French and English, which is why we use though.


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Dewayne said:
What's the point of using a language that we can't moderate and is poorly translated through any translater? That's right, there is none.

Out of curiosity, why do you feel it is poorly translated?
I'm not sure what're your criteria, or maybe you have bad lucks with some poor translators.
But to me, it's not that bad. A translator can translate a website into
(generally) understandable pieces. Surely I'm not saying the translator is not going to translate 100% accurate.

Staff members speak Spanish, German, French and English, which is why we use though.

Then why do you not accept German websites as well?
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Active Member
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Wai_Wai said:
Dewayne said:
What's the point of using a language that we can't moderate and is poorly translated through any translater? That's right, there is none.

Out of curiosity, why do you feel it is poorly translated?

let see a few translation of the sentence "the old fox jumped over the fence.."

In French it is
le vieux renard a sauté par-dessus la barrière.

Translating it back to english from french
the old fox jumped over the barrier.

In German it is
der alte Fuchs sprang über den Zaun.

Translating it back to english from German
the old fox jumped over the fence.

In Italian it is
la vecchia volpe ha saltato sopra la recinzione.

Translating it back to english from Italian
the old vixen has jumped over the recinzione.

In Spanish it is
el viejo zorro saltado sobre la cerca.

Translating it back to english from Spanish
the old fox jumped on close.

try it out and see.. that is why there are languange restrictions.. translation done using


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n4tec said:
Wai_Wai said:
Dewayne said:
What's the point of using a language that we can't moderate and is poorly translated through any translater? That's right, there is none.

Out of curiosity, why do you feel it is poorly translated?

let see a few translation of the sentence "the old fox jumped over the fence.."

In French it is
le vieux renard a sauté par-dessus la barrière.

Translating it back to english from french
the old fox jumped over the barrier.

In German it is
der alte Fuchs sprang über den Zaun.

Translating it back to english from German
the old fox jumped over the fence.

In Italian it is
la vecchia volpe ha saltato sopra la recinzione.

Translating it back to english from Italian
the old vixen has jumped over the recinzione.

In Spanish it is
el viejo zorro saltado sobre la cerca.

Translating it back to english from Spanish
the old fox jumped on close.

try it out and see.. that is why there are languange restrictions.. translation done using

Not too bad.
And the one gets 100% accurate.
The worst is Italian.


New Member
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The translation from english to italian was correct. When you translated italian back to english it didn`t get it right.

I speak both italian and english very well. i could help you with it.


New Member
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Yeah, why don't you look for moderators which speak other languages than the ones you've specified, that would help you just in case?


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German :bigok:

Original text:
Using this manual
The following manual is designed to familiarize new users with the cPanel interface and to provide extra knowledge for current users. This manual will focus on the tasks involved with putting together, and maintaining a web site.
To move from one topic to another, use the list on the left side of your screen. Click on a topic to reveal the tasks associated with that topic. Click on a task name to see a description of the task and the steps to accomplish it.

Translated Text (English --> German) by Google:
Verwenden dieses Handbuches
Das folgende Handbuch wird, um neue Benutzer mit der VERKLEIDUNGS-Schnittstelle vertraut zu machen entworfen und Extrawissen für gegenwärtige Benutzer zur Verfügung zu stellen. Dieses Handbuch konzentriert auf die Aufgaben, die in zusammenfügen und das Beibehalten einer Web site mit einbezogen werden. um von einem Thema auf andere zu bewegen, benutzen Sie die Liste auf der linken Seite Ihres Schirmes. Klicken Sie an ein Thema, um die Aufgaben aufzudecken, die mit diesem Thema dazugehörig sind. Klicken Sie an einen Aufgabennamen, um eine Beschreibung der Aufgabe und der Schritte zu sehen, sie zu vollenden.

Translated Text (German --> English) by Google:
Use this manual
The following manual, in order to make new users with the lining interface familiarly sketched and to place extra knowledge for present users the order. This manual concentrates on the tasks, which join in and which maintaining a web site with are included. in order to move from a topic on others, you use the list on the left side of your screen. Click to a topic, in order to uncover the tasks, which are pertinent with this topic. Click to a task name, in order to see a description of the task and the steps to complete it.

About the test:
There are 5 statements in this test.
We shouldn't expect the text to be tranlsated back as the same wording since different words can be used for the same meaning. So we focus on the general meaning of each statement. If the original meaning can be conveyed, I think it is a successful piece of translation.

Score: 3.8/5, 0.5/1

The first one which the general meaning is distorted (hardly understandable) (0%).
The 2nd one is a bit hard to understand. You need to know how to throw some unnecessary words away (0.8%). :sad:
The rest 3 statements are generally fine (3%).

It seems it has problems to read the word "cPanel". I tried to translate another piece (There is a cPanel in front of us). It is translated back as (There is a LINING before us). Although the brand is distorted, it seems it realizes it is a special word (that's why it capitalize it!) (0.5%) :coolugh:

Anyway, the above is merely my little personal opinion.
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Reaction score

This time, it is Spanish. :hsdance:
To save you from reading back and forward, I decide to keep some duplicate contents to maintain consistency and completeness.

Original text:
Using this manual
The following manual is designed to familiarize new users with the cPanel interface and to provide extra knowledge for current users. This manual will focus on the tasks involved with putting together, and maintaining a web site.
To move from one topic to another, use the list on the left side of your screen. Click on a topic to reveal the tasks associated with that topic. Click on a task name to see a description of the task and the steps to accomplish it.

Translated Text (English --> Spanish) by Google:
Usar este manual
El manual siguiente se diseña para familiarizar a nuevos usuarios con el interfaz del PANEL y para proporcionar el conocimiento adicional para los usuarios actuales. Este manual se centrará en las tareas implicadas con juntar, y mantener un Web site. Para moverse a partir de un asunto a otro, utilice la lista en el lado izquierdo de su pantalla. Chasque encendido un asunto para revelar las tareas asociadas a ese asunto. Chasque encendido un nombre de la tarea para ver descripción una la tarea y los pasos de lograrla.

Translated Text (Spanish --> English) by Google:
To use this manual
Manual the following one is designed to familiarize to new users with the interface of the PANEL and to provide the additional knowledge for the present users. This manual will be centered in the tasks implied with joining, and maintaining a Web site. In order to move from a subject to another one, it uses the list in the left side of his screen. Ignited Chasque a subject to reveal the tasks associated to that subject. Ignited Chasque a name of the task to see a description of the task and the steps of obtaining it.

About the test:
There are 5 statements in this test.
We shouldn't expect the text to be tranlsated back as the same wording since different words can be used for the same meaning. So we focus on the general meaning of each statement. If the original meaning can be conveyed, I think it is a successful piece of translation.

Score: 3.5/5, 0.9/1

Unlike German, the meaning of the first one is accurately translated (1%).
The 2nd one is not (0%). The 3rd one is fine again (1%).
For the last 2, it has problems to translate the meaning of "click on". It is translated as "Ignited Chasque". But with a bit of guesswork, a clever reader can still know what the statements means. (1.5%)

As to the word (cpanel), it is capitalized again but chopping the "c" away. (0.9%) :drool:

Anyway, the above is merely my little personal opinion.
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Reaction score

OK. Time to French :p
To save you from reading back and forward, I decide to keep some duplicate contents to maintain consistency and completeness.

Original text:
Using this manual:

The following manual is designed to familiarize new users with the cPanel interface and to provide extra knowledge for current users. This manual will focus on the tasks involved with putting together, and maintaining a web site.

To move from one topic to another, use the list on the left side of your screen. Click on a topic to reveal the tasks associated with that topic. Click on a task name to see a description of the task and the steps to accomplish it.

Translated Text (English --> French) by Google:
Employer ce manuel:

Le manuel suivant est conçu pour familiariser de nouveaux utilisateurs avec l'interface de PANNEAU et pour fournir la connaissance supplémentaire pour les utilisateurs courants. Ce manuel se concentrera sur les tâches impliquées du remontage, et de maintenir un site Web. Pour se déplacer d'une matière à l'autre, employez la liste du côté gauche de votre écran. Cliquetez dessus une matière pour indiquer les tâches liées à cette matière. Cliquetez dessus un nom de tâche pour voir une description de la tâche et des étapes de l'accomplir.

Translated Text (French --> English) by Google:
To employ this handbook:

The following handbook is designed to familiarize new users with the interface of PANEL and to provide additional knowledge for the current users. This handbook will concentrate on the implied tasks of the reassembly, and to maintain a Web site. To move from one matter to another, employ the list on the left side of your screen. Click above a matter to indicate the tasks related to this matter. Click above a name of task to see a job analysis and stages to achieve it.

About the test:
The first part is to test the translation power:
- There are 5 statements in this test. We shouldn't expect the text to be translated back as the same wording since different words can be used for the same meaning. So we focus on the general meaning of each statement. If the original meaning can be conveyed, I think it is a successful piece of translation.

The 2nd part is to test its ability to handle the special word (cPanel):
- I'll try to see if the translation machine will not be affected by words like cPanel.


Score: 3/5, 0.9/1

The translation of French uses the word "employ" instead of "use"; "matter" instead of "topic".
Anyway, the first 3 are generally readable and understandable. (3%)
However the last 2 are problematic - meaning is distorted! (0%)

As to the word (cpanel), it is capitalized again but chopping the "c" away. (0.9%)[font=&quot]
[/font] Anyway, the above is merely my little personal opinion.
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Reaction score

Let's see how well Italian can do. :D

Original text:
Using this manual:

The following manual is designed to familiarize new users with the cPanel interface and to provide extra knowledge for current users. This manual will focus on the tasks involved with putting together, and maintaining a web site.

To move from one topic to another, use the list on the left side of your screen. Click on a topic to reveal the tasks associated with that topic. Click on a task name to see a description of the task and the steps to accomplish it.

Translated Text (English --> Italian) by Google:

Usando questo manuale:

Il seguente manuale è destinato per rendere familiare i nuovi utenti all'interfaccia del PANNELLO e per fornire la conoscenza supplementare per gli utenti correnti. Questo manuale metterà a fuoco sulle mansioni addette all'unire e ad effettuare un Web site. Per muoversi da un soggetto verso un altro, usi la lista dalla parte di sinistra del vostro schermo. Scatti sopra un soggetto per rivelare le mansioni connesse con quel soggetto. Scatti sopra un nome di operazione per vedere una descrizione dell'operazione e dei punti compirla.

Translated Text (Italian --> English) by Google:
Using this handbook:

Manual following is destined in order to render familiar the new customers to the interface of the PANEL and in order to supply the additional acquaintance for the running customers. This handbook will put to fire on the duties assigned to joining and to carry out a Web site. In order to move from a subject towards an other, it uses the list from the part of left of your screen. Releases over a subject in order to reveal the duties connected with that subject. Releases over a name of operation in order to see one description of the operation and the points compirla.

About the test:
The first part is to test the translation power:
- There are 5 statements in this test. We shouldn't expect the text to be translated back as the same wording since different words can be used for the same meaning. So we focus on the general meaning of each statement. If the original meaning can be conveyed, I think it is a successful piece of translation.

The 2nd part is to test its ability to handle the special word (cPanel):
- I'll try to see if the translation machine will not be affected by words like cPanel.


Score: 1.5/5, 0.9/1

It seems Italian is not good at translation :p

The 1st (eg "running customers"?) and 2nd one (eg "put to fire on the duties"?) are not understandable unless you have the source in hand. (0%)
The 3rd one is ok. (2%)
For the last 2, it translated "click on" as "release over" in the 4th statement. The rest is ok! Also it is strange to see it leaves the last sub-statement untranslated (Originally it is "...the steps to accomplish it". It becomes "...points compirla". (0.5%) :kdubb:

As to the word (cpanel), it is capitalized again but chopping the "c" away. (0.9%)

Anyway, the above is merely my little personal opinion.

PS: Is it true "Italian" is a hot potato to "translators"? :naughty:
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Reaction score

Portuguese! You are my next target. :naughty:

Original text:
Using this manual:

The following manual is designed to familiarize new users with the cPanel interface and to provide extra knowledge for current users. This manual will focus on the tasks involved with putting together, and maintaining a web site.

To move from one topic to another, use the list on the left side of your screen. Click on a topic to reveal the tasks associated with that topic. Click on a task name to see a description of the task and the steps to accomplish it.

Translated Text (English --> Portuguese) by Google:

Usando este manual:

O seguinte manual é projetado familiarizar usuários novos com a relação do PAINEL e fornecer o conhecimento extra para usuários atuais. Este manual focalizará nas tarefas envolvidas com unir, e manter um Web site. Para mover-se de um tópico para outro, use a lista no lado esquerdo de sua tela. Estale sobre um tópico para revelar as tarefas associadas com esse tópico. Estale sobre um nome da tarefa para ver uma descrição da tarefa e das etapas realizá-la.

Translated Text (Portuguese --> English) by Google:
Using this manual:

The following manual is projected to make familiar using new to the relation of the PANEL and to supply the extra knowledge current users. This manual will focus in the involved tasks with joining, and keeping a Web site. To move itself of a topic for another one, it uses the list in the left side of its screen. Estale on a topic to disclose to the tasks associates with this topic. Estale on a name of the task to see a description of the task and the stages to carry through it.

About the test:
The first part is to test the translation power:

- There are 5 statements in this test. We shouldn't expect the text to be translated back as the same wording since different words can be used for the same meaning. So we focus on the general meaning of each statement. If the original meaning can be conveyed, I think it is a successful piece of translation.

The 2nd part is to test its ability to handle the special word (cPanel):
- I'll try to see if the translation machine will not be affected by words like cPanel.


Score: 4/5, 0.9/1

For the 1st statement, the meaning of the 1st part is distorted while the 2nd part is not. So I give (0.5%).
The 2nd and 3rd one are generally good. (2%)
For the last 2, "click on" again posed a challenge. It is translated as "Estale on" (which the word "Estale" was left untranslated). It is actually what happened to Spanish. Other parts are fine. (1.5%)

As to the word (cpanel), we can conclude only German can't read a brand :). It is capitalized again but chopping the "c" away. (0.9%)

Anyway, the above is merely my little personal opinion.

EDIT: some small editions are made!
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Reaction score

The quality of translation is generally up to standard (4 candidates get 3% or higher out of 5%). also they are able to spot out special word or proper name like cPanel.

The worst is Italian. It manages to score 1.5% only. As I said, Italian doesn't know how to translate. This guy fail my test. What a shame! :naughtyx: (joking)

Finaly, robot translators help to convey the gist and general meaning of an article. (But did I tell you Italian is an exception? :naughty: ). But if you wish to have 100% accurate and precise translation, robot translators are not for you. That's why human translators are waiting for you to put $$$ in their pockets. :runaway:
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New Member
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Man, awesome work! Then let the admin find some italian guys able to translate. Other languages aren't necessary.


New Member
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Well i see you are using automatic translators. In my site i like to make to versions of the page, on in italian and english, i don`t use any translator.


Reaction score
damn0r said:
Man, awesome work! Then let the admin find some italian guys able to translate. Other languages aren't necessary.
My whole-morning hard work is rewarded. :)
Thanks for your praise. :p
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Reaction score
Flamer46 said:
Well i see you are using automatic translators. In my site i like to make to versions of the page, on in italian and english, i don`t use any translator.

I wished I could since the auto-translations are far from perfection.
But... :"(


New Member
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I`ve seen that babelfish translation tool. The italian to english translation was pretty bad, i used a simple phrase. Though can`t you allow the webmaster`s too only use another language if they actually write it?


New Member
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Dewayne said:
What's the point of using a language that we can't moderate and is poorly translated through any translater? That's right, there is none. Staff members speak Spanish, German, French and English, which is why we use though.

And than again I'm Dutch. :/


Reaction score
Flamer46 said:
I`ve seen that babelfish translation tool. The italian to english translation was pretty bad, i used a simple phrase.
Do you know why Italian is translated so badly (since you are good at Italian, you may notice the reasons)?
I wonder if other robot translotors can actually do better.

Though can`t you allow the webmaster`s too only use another language if they actually write it?

Hmm... Think twice. They have some reasons why they wil not do:
- they are not good at English, Spanish etc.
- they may wish to make a localized websites (eg Italian ;) to cater Italian visitors (especially those who don't know much about Enlgish).
- sometimes sometihng can only be expressed (well) in one's own languages (eg poem, philosophy [some areas])

By the way, I would like to know why moderators need to understand the contents precisely to do their monitoring work. I think what they mainly monitor is probably:
- ad placement (if applicable)
- any illegal or copyrighted stuff or sources

To monitor these, it seems they don't need to understand precisely the contents. Sorry if I understand it wrongly.
Although I don't need this perosnally, it would be nice to see if other non-English, -Spanish etc. can enjoy this great web hosting services too. :bigok:

PS: After all, I may be wrong since I'm not a mod. So don't take the above too seriously.
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