What's the meaning of life?


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Hey zen-r,

If it is a giant computer I hope it has a much better operating system, memnory, fail safe , and backup [and users] than any computer I've seen yet.

Thinking about that, maybe it is the users who are the problem.
They'd be us, the people? Hmm.


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The meaning of our life is reproducing and creating more life ad infinitum, then dying. Sad but true. Obviously, you can choose to deviate from this final purpose, though more easily from the first part (the baby-making) than the second.


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Yes. I think if one wants meaning, one has to decide upon it for oneself, then set ones goals based upon it.

The meaning of our life is reproducing and creating more life ad infinitum, then dying. Sad but true. Obviously, you can choose to deviate from this final purpose, though more easily from the first part (the baby-making) than the second.

A few people have managed to do it in reverse order. They have died, then had children!

How?.....Well, for example their eggs or sperm have been preserved during their life, perhaps because they were part of an assisted reproduction program. Then after their death their partners have been allowed to complete the program, & had their children.

Until scientists manage to crack various problems, such as the biological clock stored in our cells which makes us age & then die rather than continuing to renew & stay young, then yes, death is still inevitable (I do believe that this "clock" problem will be solved within the next few lifetimes. This bugs me somewhat, seeing as how mankind has been evolving for millions of years, & I will have just missed out on this breakthrough by an incredibly narrow margin!) However, in a way, reproduction is for most people their way of attempting to cheat death - by living on through their children :happysad:


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It was very enlightening to read the various posts on this topic, especially 42 being the meaning of life as shown in the movie, and love one another as I have loved you, from the Bible and other religious texts prespectives.

Firstly, I wonder why we are asking this question at all. :dunno:

I guess we have reached an intellectual saturation point in human civilisation that we are collectvely quite content with our immediate needs and now have the capacity and time to seek our origins and purpose. I also believe that this is a part of the plan - either of God or of evolution - that we wonder about these things.

I think that basically we are quite tired of doing things. We are tired of labouring and even loving one another.

Why? The reason is that no matter what you do, what you achieve (including personal happiness) it does not last long. And you again have to labour for it and hold on to it for a while and then it disappears and again and again. Tiring and meaningless and constant emptiness which we are trying to fill by our labour. First we do it for ourselves then we get tired and do it for someone else, and it comes to the same end. So we question - what the heck man! heehee! :rant2:

I also think that these feelings emptiness leads us to question who we are what are we doing here. Who am I? These thoughts that comes to my mind and I am typing this message ... where is it really coming from? Who is putting these thoughts into my mind? Am I a slave to the thoughts that constantly keeps sprouting from my mind? Is my mind in my brain and controlled by the random chemical reactions, or is it a spiritual entity connected with some "God"?

If there is a "God", then I think that it was the invention of man. "God" is a concept which helps man work together and focus on his worldly duties rather than wonder who he is.

Religion is sometimes very crucial for the peace of mind ... that is why when people of faith always say "Peace be upon you" in many different mannerisms .. but all of them is about attaining peace of mind in the end.

So I think that utimatiely, the answer to the question is "Peace of mind". :drool:

You can reach peace of mind when your mind has completely no thoughts. Like when you are tired and no longer can think any thoughts, so you goto sleep. You really cannot sleep when your mind is full of thoughts, whether good or bad ones, so you have to either take some sleeping tablets or some other drinks, etc to calm the mind and stop thinking, so you can goto sleep and be still.

The answer lies in us .. we have to be clear of thougts and remove all the distractions in our lives and be still and then we will know the answer.

"Be Still and Know that I am God" ... basically means, Be Still and Know Peace of Mind

who wants to try .... :cool:


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I find life difficult at many times, though I am a kid and most kids experience that. But the meaning of life to me, is just to life it to the fullest, and do what you want to. Personally, I hate being bossed around by my parents, so I don't do what they tell me to do sometimes, I make some fun out of my life.

Take all opportunities you can if life, whether it's something you hate doing, but will help you or someone else greatly, or something that you LOVE to do. I was always told to not take life as it comes, but to take every opportunity as it comes.


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For me, as a Christian, the meaning of life is to serve God, and use my life and experiences to glorify Him, with the assurance of eternal life with Him. Unfortunately I fail often, and have to ask for forgiveness from God.

I know some of you will be asking how I know God exists. All I can say is I have seen and experienced the presence of God, and I know that He is alive.



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Hi --
This thread starts: That presupposes there is a meaning. Won't we all be furious for that split second if there is nothing, no meaning, and we realise it?
In Zen we work a lot with the Heart Sutra, that teaches: form is emptiness, emptiness is form. That's not the same as saying there is nothing, no meaning, but it does say that everything is empty. I can't say I've truly realized this teaching yet, but I've had my little glimmerings, and I can tell you it doesn't make you furious at all! Quite the contrary...


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The meaning of life for me is rather simple: it is what you make of it.

You believe its to serve God and what not, sure.
You believe its to convert oxygen to carbon dioxide and nothing more, that also works.

For the most part, everyone would have their own definition as to the meaning of life, as its shaped by their perceptions and their own experiences.


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Was it 48? The White Mouse experiment???? No that was the answer to the ultimate question?

No, it was 42. for which the question was, "what do you get when you multiply 6 by 9?"

Coincidentally, 42 is the correct answer in base thirteen.


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No, it was 42. for which the question was, "what do you get when you multiply 6 by 9?"

Coincidentally, 42 is the correct answer in base thirteen.

Yeah, and it all got messed up when Golgafrinchams replaced the cavemen...hence the miscalculation in the final output :-D

Er...what's base thirteen?


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I guess many of us feel there must be so much more than just being here from day to day. Man's 'noble spirit' demands that he does more that just live for himself, so he seeks a meaning for life. Believers can sublimate this drive in devotion - and who knows how right they are!