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  1. P

    Adding a comment section

    My website is a simple HTML site, but I've been thinking lately about adding the ability for users to comment on each page. What's the easiest and best way to do this? Also, I understand x10 Hosting has a WordPress option. How do I access it? Can I add that to a pre-existing website to add...
  2. P

    new problem rendering the character é

    Interesting. I also find that, when I set it to western, it both fixes the rendering on the website, but also screws up the rendering of the same character on this forum thread. Any insights on why this is only happening on pages recently uploaded to the x10 server?
  3. P

    new problem rendering the character é

    I’m noticing a new problem on my website. The word "cliché" used to render correctly. It still does for pages I uploaded a long time ago. But for pages I uploaded recently, when viewed with Firefox, the é is replaced with a question mark. (IE renders it correctly.) Example: first sentence of...
  4. P

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed - Again !

    I'm suffering this right now.
  5. P

    Newbie question: URL Path

    Okay, so I'm setting up my account here. On the page "Create Website," it asks for URL path and then says "(Leave empty for your website to be directly on the domain.)" I don't know what this means. I have a website I'm transferring to x10 with a domain already registered.