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  1. S

    Personal Advertisement Code

    I was wondering where I can track adviews and clicks using the Personal Ad Code? It would also help me test if your service can detect the ad code on my website. Cheers.
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    Server Downtime?

    Sorry for my ignorance. I'm on server and every night around 10 P.M. or 11 P.M. my site becomes inaccessible. When I login to the x10hosting Account Panel, I note that ApacheHTTP is labeled as Offline. Is this something I should be expecting every night? I haven't seen any Server...
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    Activation link not Functioning

    Hello, I recently tried to sign up for a free account however the activation link emailed to me returns a "Page Can Not Be Displayed," "Server Not Found." Account Name: APTandCo Cheers
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    Placing in Ads and SSL?

    Good Evening, I just got osCommerce on my account, and I'm not sure where to put the php ad codes? Their support site much be run by robots, because they ALL tell me to use the Banner Manager. But I don't think that supports PHP. Anyway, if anyone here has delt with osCommerece and knows how...
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    Restore needed

    Hello, Here's the thing, I was cleaning up my account, and I desided to get rid of the PHP-Nuke instalation I had, but when it completed, it deleted all of my images, and some other very important files. I thought I had a backup of a period before the big wipe, but I can't find it on my...
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    Account issues

    cPanel Username: mvfranch Subdomain: X10 Package: Advanced? 1GB of Storage Space How long your account has been up: Since June-ish of this year. And yes I put in a support ticket to back-up my site. Did you have the ads placed on every page: I believe so yes. I'm...
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    Images no show...

    All of my images are not showing up. I can't figure out why they aren't. They were working not two days ago, but when I looked at all my sites, none of the images are working. They just come up with the broken image image. I've checked the Hotlinking feature, and that doensn't seem to be the...
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    PHP-Nuke Setup

    Hello, I'm trying to set up PHP-Nuke on my account, but I'm stuck on the config.php file. It asks for: $dbhost = "localhost"; $dbuname = "nuke"; $dbpass = ""; $dbname = "nuke"; $prefix = "nuke"; $user_prefix = "nuke"; $dbtype = "MySQL"; $sitekey = "S·kQSd5%W@Y62-dm29-.-39.3a8sUf+W9"...
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    Reset password....

    I was changing my password and I guess I went to fast and now I don't know what it is. So, I need someone to change the password on my account please: Thanks
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    Images broken...

    I can't seem to get my images to display on my forum that are hosted on my main site. They are all broken. I've re-added the URLs to the Hotlinking protection area, and cleared my cache, but still the images refuse to load and display me the broken portion.
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    What do I do if I get a domain and would like to put it on for my site?
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    MySQL updating...

    is there anyway that I can take the MySQL from another site and upload it to this new one here?
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    Can't get to my site

    Hi, I just got a PM from you guys telling me my site was set up, but when I try to go to it or click the link you PMed me, my computer says that it can not find the site. (