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  1. G

    mySQL Server seems to be down

    My application was fine one moment, able to access and modify records in the MySQL database. But at the next moment, the following error is displayed: Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in...
  2. G

    Death Penalty

    For those of use who believe the Bible is God's Word, God says "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man. " (Gen 9:6). So God institute the death penalty. To me, God has never been wrong, so the death penalty must be right. Some people may...
  3. G

    Amazon EC2 cloud computing

    Thanks for your comments, vv.bbcc19. But was actually hoping that someone could share from their experience of having used the service. For instance: for the price paid, are the benefits worth it? How does it compare with x10 e.g. in terms of speed of the application, flexibility, ease of...
  4. G

    Amazon EC2 cloud computing

    Dear all, Have heard so much about it, but how do we go about using Amazon EC2? Is it a real hassle to set up? Is the cost worth it? How is it compared with x10hosting? Hoping anyone with experience, positive or negative, with Amazon Cloud Computing can share.