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  1. D

    Count to 1 Million

    2434 commemorative plates
  2. D

    How fast is your Internet?

    University connection... pretty awesome.
  3. D

    phpBB forum redirect

    Hey all, I'm running into an error when I create a new topic on my forum, where the browser will redirect to a non-existent page (mysite/postlocation instead of mysite/forums/postlocation) if it is allowed to automatically redirect the user. Is there a simple fix to either prevent the...
  4. D

    Count to 1 Million

    2401 pieces of pie.... mmmm. pie.
  5. D

    If you travel faster than light, what happens?

    I just read through a bunch of this thread but didn't see any mention of Cherenkov Radiation, where an object moves faster than light in a medium other than the vacuum. So while it would not be possible to accelerate to the speed of light relative to a stationary observer in a vacuum, you could...