Homosexual-ism (sp?)


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What are your thoughts about this topic? I myself think that we should all be treated equally and am pro gay marriage, as most of my family are. Mini debate, is homosexual-ism caused by nature or nurture?Meaning, are you born gay or does the way you live influence whether you turn out gay or straight? Wow, I'm posting a lot today...

Edit: No, I'm not gay.
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Please forgive me for this assumption if I am wrong, but I would assume that you are homosexual yourself("I myself think that we should all be treated equally"), correct?

I just find it strange that you use the term 'gay' to describe homosexual-ism(is this a word anyways, the 'ism' part of it?). I've ended up in a debate just for using the term 'gay' to describe something(basically like, "that's gay"). Not to stir up anything on that, but frankly gay doesn't mean homosexual, and I don't really like when people take it that way, or take it to offense. If someone calls something gay, they surely don't mean 'homosexual' and aren't trying to be offensive(probably most of the time). Now if someone calls a person gay, that is different.

But back to the subject, I honestly don't care that much. Just meaning homosexual people are still people, just like heterosexual people. While it may seem unordinary or unatural to be attracted to the same gender, in todays world what does it really matter.

While many people will argue with religion, I say to you, just think clearly about it all for a second. While many figures in the bible were not homosexual, and there is never really a direct mention of anyone being so, and then you have the fact that God created a man, then for this man he created a woman, as a life partner really. So most people think it is a deadly sin to be homosexual. But try to remember God gave us 10 commandments. These are things that should never be done. If you believe in God then you should know these commandments are taboo. But not one of them says, "Thou shalt not love thy own gender." People break those commandments all the time, so even if being homosexual was wrong, that is the least of the sin in the world today.

It is hard to say whether or not you can be born homosexual or not. With all the crazy science of today(the genome project, etc.) it is hard to really know if there is something the causes someone to be homosexual. There are people who are not born homosexual and later on choose to be so, but there are still some cases that make you wonder. Just as there can be a number of stange birth irregularities(for instance someone who was born with both sexual organs), it would seem that it could be possible that someone could be born and their natual instinct is affection for their own gender, rathar than the majority populations affection for the oppisite. I guess someone would really have to understand the mind completely and such to prove either one.

To clarify my post here, I am not attempting to bash homosexuals in any way. I also am not homosexual, and personally would never care to be, but this doesn't mean I hate homosexuals or their lifestyle.

If people can live their lives doing so many other things(mostly illegal or immoral), then what does it really matter if people choose to live their lives loving the same gender? If you consider homosexuality to be something bad, then compare it to other crimes/sins and then it probably won't look as bad.


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IMO I think its a thing you are born with, I mean everybody who is homosexual does'nt have exactly the same life or past or anything do they? lol

I myself have no problem with it what so ever and think that they deserve to be treated the same as everybody else, there is NO room and NO excuses for discrimination in todays society.


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When did the word "gay" become offensive? Last I checked the word gay originated to mean happy. However, nowadays, the word is used to hurt others alot and this saddens me.

As for my opinion. I am very pro-homosexual too as they do no wrong with their lifestyles. Having the church say that it's a "sin" merely means that they are trying to drive fear into people that don't know enough about homosexuality. It's a real shame that people don't think for themselves when it comes to religion... Even tattoos are deemed sinful as the church will say... "They are the mark of the devil." And in that response I will quote Squall Lionhart in FF 8 "...Whatever..."

Really now. Nobody should be judged for their way of life. They should be judged by the goodness in their hearts. Maybe I'm being too idealistic though...


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I strongly feel that the gay marriage debate is used by the New World Order - via Corporate controlled media outlets- as a divisive tactic, a tool to distract the majority of Americans from their calculated efforts to loot the U.S. economy, Destroy U.S. sovereignty, and usher in the tyrannical new form Government and the Police-State we've all been dreading.

Anyone with half a brain wouldn't give a *what-have-you* if gays got married. In fact, It's sick and cruel the way society treats life long gay couples when one ends up hospitalized etc...


Anyone who SERIOUSLY would want to object to that and spend time and energy debating my point would be much, much better off going out and having some kind of humbling experience.... then maybe we could start working together toward the goal of spreading desperately urgent - Systematically mass suppressed INFORMATION that could literally be the difference between a Utopian Society and the end of Humanity.


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Homophobism is just as bad as racism; it is completely unacceptable in my opinion. I am not gay myself, but does that mean I must automatically show hatred to those who are? Nope.


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lol. There are more gay threads here than I would imagine. I'm biased on this question because I am gay. Of course, that would make you biased if you were a homophobe. lol.

I think everyone should have equal rights. I don't even think we should have to call them civil unions, though at this point a civil union would be far superior to what I can have now. My partner and I have been together for longer than many couples stay married. Although we are broke now (lol!), I would hope that in our later years when one of us dies, we could ensure that the remaining partner is taken care of. I mean, when it comes to homosexuality, wills are even more contestable than usual. Plus if one of us is in crisis, the other needs to be able to make decisions. I mean, we are lucky in that we both have understanding parents, but many couples do not have that luxury.

I understand that a lot of people who don't like homosexuality want to make it "difficult" to be gay. I grant you the person will still be gay. They will not find a life partner, but will instead seek only sexual gratification. Not that there is anything wrong with shameless sexual gratification (even though I don't support it) but it can lead to illness and even death. Besides, we aren't talking about a religious freedom, we are talking about basic human rights. And besides, there is supposed to be separation of church and state, and I cannot think of any valid secular reason for not being gay to the point of restricting human rights. Mayhaps you have one...


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AMEN Cointoss! What you say is true. You have the basic human right to love whoever you choose to. Just as I do. But, call me old fashioned, but I think a person shouldn't just have sex for the gratification. Isn't it supposed to be an act of love? That and the point you made, that it could lead to serious diseases.